Gauvreau en Haiti

Gauvreau en Haiti

August 2012


Monday, August 27 2012

Finally I can sit and write a few words. News from my trip to Quebec: I had a wonderful trip and I was able to see my grand-son, my daughter-in-law and my sons. I saw my doctor and she gave me new antibiotics to take, and now I am doing much better. Thank you Lord!


Concerning the hurricane Isaac, at Fort-Jacques where we live, it was a tropical storm with strong winds. We had a few damages, two tents were torn and water inside the houses, but nothing too bad. On the Fort-Jacques road, there were a lot of trees who felt down and some metal roof that flew. I saw on television that Port-au-Prince had some flooding but the South of the island got the worst of it. Many people died, some are missing and many houses are lying flat.


The GLA orphanage at Thomassin, they had some water damages and many branches that felt over. Thank you Lord for you protection on these little children.


Concerning the schooling for the Haitian girls and boy, Reginald has finished school and he is graduating from the mechanic school on September 2. I am looking forward to see the graduation and pray the he can find work very soon.


Regarding Kathiana, she will start again in September for her 3rd and final year at University; she wants to be a kindergarten teacher. She has some difficulties to concentrate and her notes are low. Pray that God will renew her and guide her clearly. Yanick and Losita finish school in August. They study in Science of Management at University and they will start their 3rd year. In general they are doing very well and they can help each other for their school work.


Tuesday, August 28

We were five days without Internet. The company we have is the only one who has not given the service back yet. They say that they are working on the problem. Here, in Haiti, we depend heavily on Internet to stay in contact with the rest of the world.


For Dixie, director of the GLA orphanage, who has sent documentation asking parents to accept the child they are proposing to them. But at this time without Internet we have no way of knowing if they accept or not. And she must follow up with the Social Services for other adoption in process. Without
Internet the adoption process can take longer.


Pray that we will have more parents asking for adoption, especially for children of the same family.


Here is the closing word:

I believe...

I believe today will be a good day because God made it. {Psalm 118:24}

I believe I have all I need to accomplish His purpose in my life. {2 Peter 1:3}

I believe nothing is too difficult for me because nothing is impossible for the God who lives in me. {Philippians 4:13}

I believe even the biggest challenges in my life can be redeemed for my good and His glory.

{Romans 8:28}

I believe I am loved just as I am and called to become even more like Jesus every day.

{Hebrews 10:14}

I believe that He isn't finished with me yet and is able to complete the good work begun in me. {Philippians 1:6}

I believe I am an overcomer, more than a conqueror, and nothing will keep God from carrying out His plans! {Romans 8:32-39}

Can I get an "amen" or a "yoo-hoo"?

--Holley Gerth



and Georges

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