Gauvreau en Haiti

Gauvreau en Haiti

February 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Today, we have no access to Internet. There is a problem with the electricity at Pratrick’s house where the router is set; their inverter is broken. Even if the Internet company is working, if we do not have electricity it does not work. We are so dependant of the electricity it is unbelievable. It is when we do not have it that we realize our great dependency.


Yesterday, we went down to Petionville to go to the bank and to the « Caribbean Market ». It is one of the grocery stores that were destroyed during the earthquake in January 2010. The market was rebuilt and they have a huge outside parking lot. The prices are low for now. It seems normal here that when a new store opened its doors the prices are low, but in a few months the prices will be a lot higher. To compare with the other grocery store “Giant Marker”, the products are not all the same, so we will have to do 2 places instead of one to do the grocery shopping.


Saturday, February 18

Since the 16 of February it has been 20 months that we live in Haiti. Since then, we have seen a lot of teams and individuals who had come to GLA and many came back for 2 or 3 times. At this time, we have a team from Ontario for two weeks. They are older people but they accomplish a lot. We even have a chiropractor who will be here till Tuesday, but her gift is used to the maximum. She treats children who have many bones problems because of malnutrition when they were in their mother’s womb. Also, she has treated most of the foreign and Haitian employees. For myself, I have
tried but I do not know if that helps or not. I will see the result tomorrow. As for my neck it is alright now.


Friday, February 24

Regarding the chiropractic, I think that I will not re-use it again in my life time. This method does not suit me at all. I will see my osteopath when I will go in Quebec in April because my right side of the collar bone is displaced.


Is there someone who believes that the scent of the Irish Spring soap repulsed the rats and the mice? This is what I have been told and it seems that it works well if we replace the pieces often. So, I am trying it in the warehouse to see if they will flee the place. With Billy (my dog) telling me where they are I can place the pieces at the right place.


Presently, we have two teams working at Fort-Jacques. There are twelve men and the ten women work at the main house. The total of volunteers is 22 plus 6 long term volunteers. Tonight for supper we will be around 60 people. This is the most numerous amounts of people that we had at one time.


Thursday, March 1st

Today, I am trying to finish the blog. During the night of Monday to Tuesday, my sister-in-law died of cancer. So, Tuesday was a crazy day and full of emotions as we tried to make reservation for the flight for Georges so he can assist at her sister’s funeral. The price for the flight is astronomical because we do the reservation at the last minute. I will go in Quebec by myself in April for three weeks and we will go back in Quebec next year only. We need a miracle from God to be able to go in September.


The thought of the month:

"The biggest hindrance to the missionary task is self. Self that refuses to die. Self that refuses to sacrifice. Self that refuses to give. Self that refuses to go." --Thomas Hale Missionary to Nepal


and Georges

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