January 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
We are almost at the second half of the month, the time flies. This week at Fort-Jacques we are not that busy because one team have cancelled. But John and Georges are cleaning the tools and put the shop in order for the coming of the next team.
I want to tell you how cold it could be at night in January. It is when I used the dehumidifier to warm my legs and feet. In Canada or the States we use heat to take the humidity out of the house, but here it does not exist. So, we use what we can to get warmer.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Today is the second anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti. President Martelly has declared this day a public holiday. There are many activities in the churches and elsewhere to thank God for all His goodness.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Yesterday and today were two beautiful days; the temperature was perfect; full of sun, a slight wind and around 22oC (75oF). At Port-au-Prince (PAP), it was hot and damp. I think that the temperature in the mountains is better for my health. I am not sick as often as I was down in PAP. Thank you God!
We are in the process of buying a used car, but more recent and I would be able to drive it. I should get my Haitian driver’s licence soon. Someone from GLA is doing all the steps for us and at the end we go and sign our papers.
GLA is selling two of its vehicles to buy more recent ones. The one we would like to buy is a Montero 2005. The Land Rover that we possess is a 1999 and I cannot sat at the back of the wheel to drive.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Finally, we went down in Delmas to get my passport at the Canadian Embassy. (See photos January 2012). It has arrived on January 3, but no one phone me to let me know about it. I can now go out of the country. Our time to go from Fort-Jacques to Delmas took us only two hours, back and forth. This is a record time.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Last week-end, two of my friend visited me, they are of my age. This was good for me because I do not have very often the occasion to talk with people of my age. We went down to Port-au-Prince and we had a wonderful day. (See photos January 2012). One of our friends paid for the supper at a small Chinese restaurant that has as owner: two Haitian women of New York. The food there is excellent and very fresh.
Yesterday, we received a container, fortunately we had a team available to help us unpacked it. We received all the material for the playground that was given to GLA, and the team will come in June to put it on. Also, we have received wood for the construction, this is very useful and we thank the Lord for his help during the construction’s Phase.
For the next months we have a lot of teams coming and we will be very busy.
As for the girls who we are still taking care of, Losita and Yannick could finally returned to University in management and administration. Losita has a couple from Manitoba who is paying for her education. Yannick’s aunt decided that she will pay for her. We pay for Kathiana, who is studying in education to become a teacher, she works in the morning as a teacher with the youngest at Pastor Michel. For Reginald, it is his last year in mechanic school. He is doing a work training to know better all the different motors in automobiles.
The thought of the month:
“As you pass through the door of 2011 and enter the door of 2012, here are six of the needs you are certain to have...
1. There will be the need for prayer.
2. There will be the need to trust.
3. There will be the need to obey.
4. There will be the need to forgive.
5. There will be the need to be faithful.
6. There will be the need for Jesus.”
We wish you a wonderful New Year and great health!
Jocelyne and Georges
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