April and May 2012
Holy Friday, April 6, 2012
Finally, our second grand-son was born this morning at 1:05am by caesarian. Now, I just want to go see him. His weight at birth was 8lb 10onces (around 4 kg) and his height 20.5 inches (52 cm). The baby and the parents are doing well.
Friday, April 13
We had a great Easter day. We assisted to two services. One at the Haitian Church of Pastor Brandon in Creole, and the other at our church at the orphanage with Pastor Brandon again, in English. Both services were wonderfully praising God for everything. Then, we had our Easter lunch with ham. With the company of the volunteers and the staff we had good talks, it was great.
This week was very upsetting. Monday, Pat, son of Dixie and John, went to the hospital. It looks like he has a general infection. His mother, Dixie, went to the Dominican Republic by bus and has a very back pain and a kind of migraine headache.
Wednesday, Georges had a pain in his chest. He woke me up at 8am to tell me this and I had to rush so we could go to the Main House to see the nurse. I am not a morning person and I did not know what to think about all that. Finally around 9:30am, we went to Petionville. Dave, the Australian, drove the car because Georges was not able and I did not have a driver’s licence. We waited 3 hours before seeing the cardiologist. He thinks that Georges has stomach ulcers and it is not the heart.
Then we went to the hospital for x-ray and blood tests. It took us 20 minutes to find the hospital. There is almost no street sign and no door number. And finally we enter by a secondary road to enter the parking lot that is also the main entrance, no plate indicating that it was in fact the hospital we were looking for. Georges must see the specialist next Wednesday; this is the day I leave for Quebec.
Tuesday, May 1st
We have been in Canada since April 19, and we do not have too much time to really relax. We have seen our new grand-son and he is precious and charming. Georges is looking forward for when he will be older so he can play with him; for now he finds it not too entertaining. The parents are doing find thou they are tired for the lack of sleep.
We are staying at our friend’s house and we are well. Another couple, also friends, have lend us a car so we can get around Montreal. This is a blessing. God is so good to us. The only matter, at the moment, is that I do not have a driver’s licence and that Georges is so tired that he does not want to drive. If I had it I could go shopping and see more of my friends.
Sunday, May 13
So today, it is Mother’s day. But in fact, why are we celebrating when even your children say nothing for that day. It hurts as a human being, but God is there with me and tells me that what counts the most is to love Him and serve Him, because He loves me unconditionally and He blesses me each day.
Monday, May 14
I'm in a place of needing to remind my heart of what is real, what is true, what I can hold on to always. May be you are too?
Thursday, May 18
One of the cooks at the orphanage lost her husband in a car accident. The car has felt in the ravine and he knocked his head during the tumbling down. She stays with five children to take care of. I do not know when the funerals will be, she must collect money to pay for them.
Tuesday, May 29
Today, it is the birthday of my second son, he is 32 years old. He is now the father of a son.
Last week-end, we went to the beach with the international staff and the volunteers of GLA. The sun, wind and the long road in the car (2:30h) did get all tired, but we were pleased with the view and the relaxation we had.
The end words:
“God has a way of giving by the
cartloads to those who give away by shovelfuls.” By Charles Spurgeon
Jocelyne and Georges
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